
August 23, 2019

They Too Shall Die (Fanfiction {Dark Souls 3})

It is a beautiful night in the Kingdom of Lothric. In the distance, far beyond the high wall, mountains sprawl across the land below. Capped with snow, they stand proud and firm, high and mighty, unmovable and impenetrable.

Yet even these mountains will not last forever. Eons ago, great continents collided, tearing and rending at the landscape; these mountains are but remnants of that great event, occurring so long ago. The mountains were not always here, and someday, eons from now, they shall disappear.

A mist covers this mountain range, but high up as this perspective is, the mist cannot cover the view of the sky above. This sky is a starless one. The stars are still there, merely hidden, but the sky has its own obscuring mist, impossible to see through.

Or perhaps the stars are not merely hidden, but truly do not exist; the stars above are no more permanent than the mountains below, and there is no way to know when this picture was taken. Time works differently in the land of Lothric; perhaps this is the far distant future, trillions of years, in fact. Enough time such that all the stars and all the galaxies in the universe have moved apart, so distant from each other that their light cannot possibly reach each other; enough time such that most of the stars in the universe have burned out, and there are but a few left, desperately clinging to life.

They too shall die.

And after they have died, black holes shall be all that remain of a once vibrant and chaotic universe, full of energy.

They too shall die.

Where there is death however, comes new life, and from the ashes of a silent, soulless universe, a new flame will be lit, the embers lighting the ashes of the dead universe and rebirthing it in brilliant incandescence, expanding it anew.

Nothing lasts forever, but darkness needeth light.

Let there be light, for it is good.

Example of Figurative Language: “Where there is death however, comes new life, and from the ashes of a silent, soulless universe…”

Example of Parallelism: “Capped with snow, (the mountains) stand proud and firm, high and mighty, unmovable and impenetrable.”

Word Count: 329   

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