
August 23, 2019

The types of Books I like

Prompt: Reverence for Books and Reading

    Ever since I was a wee little lad, I have had a high degree of fondness for books. This was 
exacerbated by the fact that I actually did not, in fact, get a phone until I was around 13 or 14; so 
naturally, instead of being addicted to my phone, I was addicted to my books. 
I was interested in a lot of books, but myths and legends had always held a special place in my mind, 
and they still do. It shouldn’t surprise anyone, therefore, that my interest in reading actual novels 
arrived when I read my first Percy Jackson book. I remember the moment: I was in Grade Five I 
believe, and it was reading time; having just finished the novel that I was reading at the time, I went to 
the front of the classroom to return it to the bin and take another. Lo and behold, for the book I picked 
up to read was one that I had never heard of before: 
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Titan’s Curse. It was great, and it introduced me to a world of 
fiction that I continue to cherish to this day. These days, I enjoy Sci-Fi and Fantasy. Honestly though, I 
enjoy reading anything that feels like it has a universe inside; if it feels like there is more to the story 
than the plot; if said setting feels old, like it has a history of its own. 
I also enjoy a fair share of non-fiction as well, in addition to the novels that I find oh so delightful. This 
is a pretty recent thing for me, and it is mainly driven by my new found love of philosophy.
To conclude, my idea of the perfect story is one involving gods and a heaping helping of philosophy.

Word Count: 301

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