
August 23, 2019

Insanity in Poetry

“Would you like some tea?” said he.

“Ooh, yes please,” said she with glee.

Here we shall find two gods, two deities looking down: one pretending to be free, and the other bound.

They consider themselves tricksters you see, though I think they’re more like clowns. They are monarchs of change, and chaos is their crown.

So here they sit, lounging in their chairs, watching events unfold without a care, without a care.

Eventually, one turns to the other and watches her drink, and with a mischievous smile, he asks her what she thinks.

She ponders a moment before crying out:

“this is the best tea I’ve had, without a single doubt!”

She takes a huge drink, and then once again briefly thinks.

“What’s in this tea?” she finally asks.

“Oh nothing much,” he dismisses, “just some blood, and the venom of an asp.”

But despite this reassurance – and to them, reassurance this indeed was – she was oddly hesitant, and so gave a momentary pause.

“I don’t know,” she said, “I just can’t help but feel that there’s something amiss.”

“If you want to feel better, I can give you a kiss,” he said, with remiss.

As she had thought before, she again pondered once more. It was then that it clicked for her, she felt it in her core.

“I got it!” she cried, with the snap of her wrist, “I understand now what I find so amiss. Look here, peer into the glass, what do you see?”

“Nothing out of the ordinary, this is just tea,” said he.

“Well that’s just it,” she said, “it just doesn’t move, not even a bit. It’s far too mundane, it’s driving me insane!”

He thought for a while, and realized she was right; this had to be solved, and they would do it forthright.

So just like his companion, he pondered a bit, and he came up with an answer, one which seemed to fit.

He said “We’ll do what we do best, and simply create chaos. Humanity will come to thank us.”

“Agreed,” said she, “let’s do it.”
Word Count: 348

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