
August 23, 2019

How Reddit Has Allowed Me to Discover Traits Within Myself That I Had No Idea Were Autistic (Non-Fiction)

So as it would turn out, social media actually can be pretty damn social. Go figure. It’s funny though, because social media has a reputation for not quite living up to its name, for isolating people from each other instead of bringing them closer together. There have been a lot of studies on this, and they seem inclined to agree. I’m not going to argue the results of these studies, but I am going to argue that the assertion of social media isolating people from each other is far from universal.
    I am Autistic. Due to my general aversion to social media (I’m already distracted too much), it took me a long time to download a certain platform known as Reddit, but when I did, I found that the benefits were not at all limited to memes (though I do highly enjoy memes). I quickly discovered that there are multiple subreddits – individual communities on Reddit – for Autists.Through subreddits like r/autism, r/aspergers, and even r/aspiememes, I have finally found a group of people that I can wholeheartedly relate to, a group of people with whom I can interact in a way that feels natural. Yet more crucially in my opinion, it is through these subreddits that I have discovered that certain traits of mine that I thought was commonplace among everyone, are actually unique to Autists. I thought everyone just naturally walked on the balls of their feet constantly; I thought everyone could hear that irritating ringing noise that comes from extension leads late at night, right next to my bed in my case (I found out from a friendly commenter on r/aspiememes that I’m hearing the transformer, the thing that converts DC electricity to AC, explaining why it’s so much louder at night when there’s more power being used).
    It is thanks to Reddit that I have been able to connect with a community of people, and though the internet may cause echo-chambers to form, it also let’s people meet who would never have met otherwise.
Word Count: 341

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